We specialize in providing same-day transcripts for questionings, hearings, and court trials.
Transcripts contain vital information; use them to their fullest potential.
Our certified court reporting services include
Arbitration hearings
Disciplinary hearings
Realtime and CART providers
Audio/Video transcription
Our certified transcription services include
Union negotiations
Meetings (town hall, meeting minutes, board meetings)
Police interviews
Government meetings (political party, Senate committee)
Other interviews (WCB, immigration, insurance, post-secondary)
Offline captioning, subtitles, live script, video captioning
Video conferencing
Is your office goal to use less paper?
Our standard transcript delivery is a PDF e-Transcript sent securely right to your inbox.
No waiting for delivery.
Of course paper transcripts are also available.
We offer the following transcript delivery service standards
Same Day - Transcript emailed hours after the proceeding is finished
Next Day - Within 24 hours
Expedited - Three business days
Rush - Five business days
Regular - Ten business days